What Are Some Different Types Of Braces For Children?

What Are Some Different Types Of Braces For Children?

May 13, 2022

A beautiful smile dramatically impacts the overall wellness of adults and children alike.
Fortunately, since a child’s mouth is still developing, dental issues such as teeth misalignments are easily corrected when addressed on time. For this reason, you should visit an orthodontist near you as soon as possible if you notice that your kid’s teeth aren’t developing normally. The orthodontist will review their condition and advice on the most appropriate treatment plan.

Different Types of Braces

Initially, only traditional braces corrected teeth misalignments. But thanks to modern advancements in orthodontic treatments, now you have several options to put your child’s dental health on the right path. These include:

  • Traditional Braces

While still effective, traditional braces are among the oldest tooth alignment treatments available today—traditional braces correct teeth misalignments through metal brackets, wires, and rubber bands. The brackets are attached to teeth while the wires create a system of pressure that gently moves the teeth to the desired position.

There are many benefits of using traditional braces. First, traditional braces are incredibly effective and highly recommended for severe teeth misalignments. Unlike other options, traditional braces give the orthodontist complete control to correct teeth misalignments. It makes the treatment highly effective and ensures that your child gets the smile of their dreams in no time.

Additionally, traditional braces are the most cost-effective tooth alignment treatment. You can still give your child a perfect smile despite your limited budget. The strong and durable materials ensure that the braces stay in shape. On the downside, most people don’t like the visible nature of the braces. Additionally, there are food restrictions to avoid damaging or detaching the braces. With these braces, your child should not eat hard, crunchy, or sticky foods.

  • Partial Braces

If your child only has a few teeth that need correction, they don’t require full braces. Partial braces are traditional braces used to target specific teeth that need alignment.

  • Mini braces

Mini braces are very similar to traditional braces. The only difference is that they use smaller and less metal. The children’s orthodontic braces are lighter and more comfortable, thanks to their smaller design. Additionally, they are less noticeable and impact your kid’s appearance less. Like traditional braces, food restrictions require readjustments to change the rubber bands.

  • Self-ligating braces

Self-ligating braces also work closely with traditional braces. They consist of metal brackets and wires but with metal clips instead of rubber bands. Compared to conventional braces, they straighten faster. These braces are difficult to break or detach due to their solid and durable nature. They are visible, and there are food restrictions.

  • Ceramic braces

If you don’t like traditional-based braces’ visible nature, you can opt for ceramic braces. These braces use a system of clear braces to straighten teeth. They have a lesser impact on the appearance of your kid. On the downside, these braces are larger, making kids uncomfortable. Additionally, they are fragile, meaning they can easily break when chewing or playing.

  • Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are currently among the most popular teeth alignment treatments. Unlike traditional braces, which use metal brackets and wires, clear aligners use a system that helps move the teeth to the desired position. Clear aligners are customized according to the patient’s conditions and changed every two weeks.
Since the aligners are removable, the treatment doesn’t have food restrictions. For effectiveness, the aligners should be worn for at least 20-22 hours daily. The only major downside with clear aligners is that they aren’t ideal for complex teeth misalignments. While there are strong, you should handle them with care. They are only suitable for children with a high level of maturity. The higher cost of Clear aligner treatment might also concern people on a budget.

Which Is the Best Type of Braces for Children?

The ideal type of braces for your child depends on several factors, including:

  • The severity of the condition. Traditional-based braces are ideal for severe teeth misalignments.
  • Appearance. Ceramic and Clear aligner ces are virtually invisible.
  • Budget. Traditional-based braces are the most affordable, with clear aligners as the most expensive option.
  • Toughness and durability. Traditional-based braces are the most strong, durable, and easy to maintain. While ceramic and clear aligners are durable and strong, they require a high level of maturity.

The Benefits of Braces for Kids

Some benefits of using braces for kids include straighter teeth, improved appearance and self-confidence, and improved oral functions such as chewing, speaking, and brushing. Correcting dental issues at a younger age also prevents the risk of developing oral conditions such as TMD.

Braces Give Kids a Lifetime of Healthy Teeth

Using braces to straighten your child’s teeth will give them a lifetime of beautifully straight and healthy teeth. Whatever braces your kid uses, they will enjoy tremendous oral and overall well-being benefits. For more information about children’s orthodontic braces, contact Sunny Smile Kids.

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